Thursday, August 28, 2008

Full Circle.....

No matter who you are voting for in November, today is such a historical day for everyone! On the anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr's "I Have a Dream" speech, the first black presidential nominee is giving his speech. That my friends is incredible! As a white woman married to a black man, who during the year Dr. King gave his speech would not have been able to legally marry the person I love, this is an incredible day. As the Mother of a daughter who is half black and half white this day is something she can take with her for the rest of her life. She too could run for President one day and by then it won't even be unusual. So today whether you are a Democrat or a Republican I hope we all realize how special this moment is. Maybe one day it won't even be a conversation, it will just be.

1 comment:

Rhea said...

Thank you for your moving words. Our diverse family joins you in embracing this long-overdue move towards unity.

one planet, one people, please.