Friday, November 28, 2008

Gobble, Gobble.....Family Fun......

Tat learning how to make Jamie's mac n cheese..finally!
The real china....Jamie and Tat laughed
Scattegories....tradition...and such competion!
This year we had a nice quiet Thanksgiving with just the 3 of us. Too much else going on around us right now so we decided to keep it simple. It was soooo nice. Jamie showed Tatiana how to make his "famous" mac n cheese recipe that he said he was taking to his grave! It was delicious as always! We all cooked together and then ate waaaaayyy too much food! Then we played multiple rounds of Scattegories and Buzz. Lots of laughter and competition. It was hilarious! After that we watched movies and then crashed and burned. It was such a great day! I am blessed with a wonderful family! Happy Thanksgiving!

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