Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas 2008....

This year Christmas morning the three of us opened gifts, had breakfast together, then went over to Corinne's in our jammies and had a mini Christmas with her. After that we came home and cooked and headed out to the clubhouse where Stephanie and Larry live. We had so much fun! Charise flew in from Atlanta, Rosie and Ja'Lisa flew in from Arizona, Sherome and her family came down from L.A., Shaaron and her girls were there, Desco's daughter, and some family friends. Family, food and fun..what more could you ask for!? It was a fantastic Christmas! Check out the family photo album on the right for more fun and festivities...=)

1 comment:

Rhea said...

Great pictures - some faces I haven't seen in years and everyone looks great!!! I especially love your family photo...Jamie is too cool, as always. Much love for you all in the new year!!!